Definition: When you use the 6 senses to describe something with words that make the reader can imagine the picture of what you are describing.
Age of Innocent
A child's eyes view the potential of the world
Mankind appears as it should be
And not as it really is
Yesterday is gone
And today is forever
Tomorrow will always be
An unfathomable promise
Mankind appears as it should be
And not as it really is
Yesterday is gone
And today is forever
Tomorrow will always be
An unfathomable promise
Wonder and awe in a leaf
And in each blade of grass
Clean sheets and falling rain
Are personal luxuries
Squiggly worms, such a treat
Hidden in fresh, dark dirt
Drivelets of dew trickle
Down a cloudy pane
Treasures are timeless amusements
Mary O. Fumento, 1986
Significance: We use imagery to make the poem sound better, more attractive to the reader. The reader can imagine the image that we are telling them about better and it would make the reader love the poem even more.
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